The Pursuit of Purpose

Have you ever had an ordinary moment of life define, or develop, a particular thirst within you? For me, I remember seeing my shadow in front of me; studying the outline and shape of my neck and ears, for some reason. The sun on my back bringing everything to attention: the grip tape of my skateboard forming holes on the side of my tee shirt; the smell of tar on the train tracks that divide the town; the rusty sand and crushed rock underneath; and wondering what my relationship to/with god was. And then feeling that I felt connected to everything — the way water moved through hills in unique paths after it rains. Somehow, I knew which way they went, which direction into the directionless I was going, whether it was a walk in the woods, writing a poem, skating a set of steps, or breathing, quietly alone. God wasn’t someone or something in a particular place. In fact, I didn’t know if there was even a shape to this thing… maybe it was the shape of my ears, in form of a shadow before me. This moment was the moment that every time I had ever seen or experienced the sun before, came together into one noticeable moment of my self, in connection with consciousness — a purpose in existence.

There were many more experiences that lead up to that moment in life. And a lifetime (or two) has happened since that moment. 

I’d like to provide you with some content and context on this purpose driven moment, and others, that eventually led me to teaching yoga. 

I will also be sharing techniques and tips for teaching, view points on credentialing, teacher training and self-study, as well as take questions to address the path of a student and teacher. 

Austin Klein  mentions, “Human beings want to know where things came from, how they were made, and who made them.” This idea shall serve as a guide for the exploration ahead of us. I hope you enjoy reading and look forward to hearing from you here or

Will Duprey