Deadlines Are Imaginary

Deadlines are imaginary. 

When you’re working on interpersonal issues or spiritual maturation, time is irrelevant.

As a yoga educator, one of the largest issues that pop up in student development is accountability. Later followed by vulnerability. 

Choice plays an ever importance role in accountability and making the gains that are desired in this imaginary timeline. 

For instance, even on a physical level, if I want to learn headstand and go into a class with that demand, I am already moving out of the process of learning. I am selecting what I want to learn or in this case, what I want to do. Say the teacher lets new students that difficult poses will be taught when they get to know the student. Now this student can easily select another teacher who teaches difficult poses right away. 

In kind, the second teacher caters to the students wants rather than needs. This is the antithesis of yoga and perpetuities suffering in which the mind constantly tries for happy experiences. This can further create avoidance with pain or dislikes or the ability to select for happiness or desire fulfilled. 

If we examine the completion of a desire, it is to be met with intelligence and action. When these components come together naturally, the desire can be met. However, merely acting on a desire leads to fulfillment only of the desire. The other parts (action and intelligence or intelligence and desire) also lack completion unless all three characteristics are present. 

A deadline is hypothetical timeline in which we feel we should complete something based on factors of intelligence, time or worthiness. Real resources are also a factor not to mention the comparison or relationship to others and their success (or appearance of that success) on said topic or achievement. 

You are uniquely individual. Your process and vulnerability of going through it indicates in the sentence alone — you are the one that has to go through the friction and fabric of your life as your experience. Through it, you will connect and achieve and understand that wonderful you! 

Yoga, PhilosophyWill Duprey